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Neil Pratt » Physics links

Physics links

Physics AP 1 Electronic Textbook - Download the free College Physics for AP Courses text book, in pdf form, from  This amazing, free textbook was produced by Rice University and is an incredible resource. Since this is a tremendous service, you might consider making a voluntary donation to Rice University through the website.
Physics AP C Electronic Textbook - Download the free University Physics, Volume 1 and also the University Physics, Volume 2 text books, in pdf form, from  These amazing, free textbooks were produced by Rice University and are incredible resources. We will use volume 2 for electricity and magnetism. Since this is a tremendous service, you might consider making a voluntary donation to Rice University through the website.
HyperPhysics - An exhaustive hyperlinked resource produced by Georgia State University, explaining at a level appropriate for Physics AP 1 or higher, everything I can think of (and more) that relates to physics.
AP Physics C Instruction (College Board) - These videos are authorized by the College Board and provide instruction for each unit of this course.  Highly recommended!
AP Physics 1 Instruction (College Board) - These videos are authorized by the College Board and provide instruction for each unit of this course.  Great resource!
Pratt's YouTube Channel - My own videos might help you, but I've also created topical playlists - which should be even more useful.  Also, you might check out the channels to which I've subscribed.
Doc Physics - This channel recently surpassed 100,000 subscribers - and for good reason!  Doc Schuster does indeed have a PhD in Physics.  He is a super engaging public high school teacher who teaches AP physics in the St. Louis, MO area.  His videos are quick, colorful, challenging, and fun!