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Frenship High School

Frenship High School Theatre Department Invites You to the Stage

The Frenship High School Theatre Department is hosting a "clever and inventive play" this weekend. Puffs will be the first fall production for the students and will feature singing, dancing and acting from these triple-threat students. 
Puffs will open this Friday with tickets sold at the door.
  • Adults - $10
  • Students - $5
Attendees are encouraged to arrive early as most shows sell out. Performances will be held in the Frenship High School Lab Theater.
A brief description of the play is below:
“This clever and inventive play gives a new look at a familiar adventure from the perspective of three potential heroes just trying to make it through a magic school that proves to be very dangerous for children. Alongside them are the Puffs, a group of well-meaning, loyal outsiders with a thing for badgers. Their epic journey takes the classic story to new places and reimagines what a boy wizard hero can be.”