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Frenship High School

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Junior Classical League » Junior Classical League

Junior Classical League

About the Junior Classical League

The Texas State Junior Classical League (TSJCL) is a branch of the National Junior Classical League (NJCL), a primarily student-led organization dedicated to the study of Latin and Greek classics. Formed in 1936 and sponsored by the American Classical League (ACL), the NJCL is the largest classical organization in the world, encompassing over 45,000 middle and high school students.

Every year conventions are held across the state of Texas for an assortment of tests, art projects, and sports. Students and schools compete at different levels of competition. Frenship has competed at all three levels; Area, State, and Nationals.

2024 -2025 Officers
Consuls (Co-Presidents): TBA
Scriba (Secretary): TBA
Quaestor (Treasurer): TBA
Historian: TBA
Sponsor: Josh Dollar