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Frenship High School

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Frenship High School CTE Program Receives Grant Totaling $33,500

The Frenship CTE program was one of several area recipients of Workforce Solutions South Plains (WSSP) High Demand Job Training Grant Funding.
WSSP released a statement saying:
WSSP is excited to announce that a total of $792,742.65 has been awarded to 25 South Plains area school districts to purchase high demand career training equipment for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

Funding sources for the project include the Texas Workforce Commission, the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Texas Mutual Insurance Company, Brownfield Industrial Development Corporation, Idalou Economic Development Corporation, Levelland Economic Development Corporation, Littlefield Economic Development Corporation and Plainview and Hale County Economic Development Corporation.

This project provided new career training opportunities to students across the South Plains. The goal is to provide career training to an estimated 1,890 South Plains students immediately and hundreds in the future as the as the career training equipment is a valuable investment.

The participating school districts are Abernathy, Anton, Brownfield, Denver City, Frenship, Idalou, Levelland, Littlefield, Lorenzo, Lubbock Cooper, Morton, Motley County, Olton, Patton Springs, Plains, Plainview, Shallowater, Slaton, Springlake Earth, Spur, Sudan, Tahoka, Wellman-Union, Whitharral, and Wilson.

High school CTE programs that received this funding include Construction Technology, Culinary, Welding, Health Sciences, Ag Mechanics, Automotive Technology, Business, Web Design, HVAC, and STEM programs.

Examples of the equipment purchased for area high schools include but are not limited to: CNC Plasma Machine, welding stations, multi-purpose welders, automotive vehicle lift systems, CAD educational software, convection electric ranges, hospital beds, blood pressure machines, air compressors, heavy duty oxygen torch kits and the accessories and safety gear for each project area.