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Frenship High School

Frenship Superintendent's Student Advisory Board Met for First Time This School Year

Dr. McCord explained that in addition to meeting every six-weeks, members of her Student Advisory Board will help with Community Tours of Frenship High School and the FHS Ninth Grade Center, assist in packing Tiger Bites food bags, and will participate in multiple community service activities.

Dr. McCord said she looks forward to each meeting and that it is one of her favorite parts of being Superintendent. She said she loves watching the students grow and flourish in their high school careers and within this program.

“Members stay on this advisory board for their entire high school career if they want to,” McCord said. “But what this is for me, is to get to know some of our most important stakeholders – our students!”

Dr. McCord explained that when she started the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board, she did so with the intention of really getting to understand the high school student’s perspective.

”It helps me stay connected to students,” McCord said. “It helps when I can get to know them and really understand their points of view.”

Dr. McCord said that the biggest take away for her is watching this group grow into responsible students that do important work in their roles on the advisory board.

“Part of responsible citizenship is serving your community,” McCord said. “These kids are the hands and feet that live out the Frenship Way.”

Mackenna McNeely is a new freshman member of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board. She applied as an eighth grader and is excited to get to know the other members of the group, especially the Freshman members who are from different middle school campuses.

“I am excited to grow,” McNeely said. “I am excited to start the community service projects.”

McNeely said that she hopes that through the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board she will be able to open up, join more groups, and make more friends.

Grant Phillips and Ansley Iversen are senior members of the advisory board and are excited to finish their high school experience as veteran members of the group.

“It has been a really fun three years leading up to this,” Phillips said. “It has been a lot of fun helping the district and surrounding community for the last three years and I can’t wait to do it again for my last year.”

Iversen said she has loved serving her fellow Frenship Tigers through giving back with initiatives like the food backpacks that the group packs for food insecure students during the winter break.

“I hope the rest of the members of this advisory board know that we are here to provide a good example for our peers,” Iversen said. “I am just excited to lead them by example.”

Phillips said that he is most excited to help the new members find their place within the advisory board and at their campus.

“I really want to teach the new leaders that are entering the advisory board how to be the best leaders they can for our schools,” Phillips said. “I am excited to show them how to take the skills that we are learning in these meetings and through these volunteer events back to our campuses and even in our personal lives, so we can widen the impact as a whole.”
