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Frenship High School Band Receives Superior Ranking at UIL Marching Contest

The contest season began early in October for the Tiger Band with the Bands of America Midland Regional competition on October 2. The band competed against 25 bands from across the state and one from Colorado, and placed 13th overall.

Frenship High School Head Band Director Dr. Ryan Smith said since that particular competition was their first one of the season, the band did not have its entire show on the field yet.

“We received amazing positive feedback on the direction of our show and took the judge’s comments to continue to refine our individual performance,” Dr. Smith said.

The following weekend the band competed in the Lubbock Westerner marching competition at Plains Capital Park on October 9. This contest was the first time the band performed the show in its entirety.

“We had an amazing performance,” Dr. Smith said. “There were a total of 43 bands competing and we placed 2nd overall. We had a remarkable week of rehearsals where we were able to really clean drill and add more band choreography and visuals to enhance the overall performance.”

Now, after competing last Saturday, October 16, in the UIL Region 16 Marching Contest and receiving the “Superior” ranking, the band will continue on and compete at the Area Marching Competition in El Paso on October 30. There will be 14 bands competing for the top two spots that will advance to the 6A State Marching Contest in San Antonio.

Frenship will compete at 3:00 p.m. and tickets to the show can be purchased HERE.

Typically, bands are only able to advance past the Regional competition every other year, but Dr. Smith explained that this year was a little different.

“Since COVID took away most school’s options for advancing to Area or State competition last year, they have allowed all conferences, 1A to 6A, to advance if they make a Division 1 at UIL Region Contests,” Dr. Smith said. “Since we made a Division 1, we will be continuing our competition season in El Paso later this month.”

Dr. Smith said that the bands success is the direct result of the hard work and dedication from his students and staff.

“We have great student leaders this year and they are all really buckling down and working diligently on improving every rehearsal,” Dr. Smith said. “Our drum majors this year are seniors, Ansley Iversen, Austin Poe, Ava Monico, and junior, Halli Segrist.”

This year the Tiger Band staff includes:

Dr. Ryan Smith, Scott Carter, Hunter Stockton and Jose Gonzales, Band Directors

Aaron Perez, Percussion Director

Amanda Knight, Color Guard Director

Zach Lee, Javi Garza, Percussion Techs

Caitlin Kinder, Color Guard Tech

Amanda Tolley, Twirling Coach

Christopher Agwu, Visual Tech
