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Frenship High School

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Frenship Staff Graduate from Leadership Lubbock Program

On Thursday, December 9, the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce held a graduation ceremony to recognize the dozens of students from various local businesses and organizations including our very own Taylor and Scifres.

This year-long program focuses on developing leaders throughout the South Plains and provides the students with a better understanding of local industries and economic drivers such as healthcare, agriculture, education, government and much more.

“The biggest take away would be the relationships. The classes are very diverse with many different backgrounds and experiences. Building those relationships build trust, in not only you, but your organization,” said Scifres.

Taylor said she is honored to have been selected for the program that has such a rich history and proven success in producing Lubbock’s next generation of leaders.

“Not only was I able to expand my knowledge of the different industries in Lubbock, but it opened my eyes to the needs of our community. The mission of Leadership Lubbock is to develop servant leaders for Lubbock, and I feel strongly that this program has given me the tools to step up and serve as an advocate and volunteer to better our community,” said Taylor. “This experience has allowed me to grow personally and professionally, and I feel more confident and equipped to serve my District as a young leader.”

In order to be selected for Leadership Lubbock, prospective students must submit an extensive application highlighting their leadership capabilities and dedication to serving the community. Over the last several years, Frenship is proud to have had several staff members go through the esteemed program as the District strives to continue empowering and equipping employees to better serve Frenship families.

Frenship’s Cassandra Slayton, Executive Director of Leadership Development, will represent Frenship as a member of the Leadership Lubbock Class of 2022.

To learn more about Leadership Lubbock and the Chamber of Commerce, CLICK HERE.
