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Frenship High School

FCCLA Students Head to State Competition

FCCLA stands for Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and is the only career and technical in-school student organization with family as the central focus. Frenship's FCCLA’s main purpose is to promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. 

Frenship had ten students compete in six different Star & Proficiency Events. These students had some tough competition and placed in four events:  

Aylin Arballo & Emilia Santos placed 1st in Nutrition & Wellness 

Brooklyn Fisher placed 2nd in Cupcake Battle 

Ryder Foix, Jayden Ramos, and Alazae Trevino placed 2nd in Food Innovations  

Zaylee Vega placed 4th in Mystery basket 

Addison Cockhill competed in Cupcake Presentation  

Madison Austin and Kylie Tosi competed in Spotlight on Projects. 

“We are proud of each of our competitors and cannot wait to see how well they do at the State Competition in Dallas in April,” said Cassandra Duran, one of the Frenship FCCLA advisors.
