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Frenship High School

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Ballet Lubbock Visits Frenship High School

Throughout the year, students in the advanced dance classes at Frenship High School are being provided with opportunities to connect and learn from other teachers and professionals in the dance community. The guests visit the class to educate the students on careers in dance, as well as give them the experience of learning from different dance teachers. 

This past week, the classes connected with Katrina Soricelli, the Director of Community Engagement from Ballet Lubbock. Soricelli talked to the students about different career paths they could pursue after high school working in community theater, box office, dance management positions, and of course more traditional routes such as college and auditions.  

Soricelli also had the students explore improvisation where dancers move freely and instinctually with no preparation or premeditation, simply turn on the music and begin moving.  

“This can often result in students being uncomfortable or shut down because they fear looking strange or being judged,” stated Melissa Oakley, FHS dance teacher. “However, under Katrina’s instruction, these students were not only open-minded, but they tackled the assignment with confidence and intention. I was very proud of them!” 

Oakley stated just this one class with Soricelli gave the students a great insight into a more modern style of dance and an instructional approach different from her own. All the students had so much fun and look forward to welcoming more guests throughout the year.  
