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Frenship High School

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David Echols » David Echols

David Echols

Hello and welcome to my website. I'm starting my twenty-fourth year of teaching and my twenty-fourth year at Frenship High School. I could not be more excited about the upcoming school year. I received a Bachelors of Fine Arts and Masters of Art Education from Texas Tech University. In my non teaching time, I am a professional artist in the medium of ceramics, I also, enjoying traveling, outdoor activities (kayaking, backpacking, camping, mountain biking, skiing, etc), and going to music festivals.  
Contact Information
David Echols
Class Schedule
1st period Conference
2nd period Ceramics I
3rd period Ceramics II & III
4th period Ceramics I
5th period Ceramics I
6th period DC Art Appreciation
7th period DC Art Appreciation
8th period DC Art Appreciation