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Frenship Marching Band Wraps Up UIL Season

The Frenship Marching band had an outstanding show at the 6A UIL Area Contest performing at a high-level music and competitive marching drill design. After a successful run, Frenship finished their season as one of seven bands to perform in the finals at the area competition.  

“We are so proud of the work these students have done over the course of the season,” said Scott Carter, Frenship High School Director of Bands. 

Carter stated that the students stated that in marching band the students learn to understand the concept of delayed gratification. They begin working on the show and all the moving pieces that go into developing a performance as early as August. The band doesn’t see any competition until October making it difficult to see the tangible results of their labor early on. 

“The focus and dedication it takes for the students to work so hard for so long and strive to reach long-term goals is a testament to the kind of character and resilience they possess,” stated Carter. 

The band this year had an incredibly successful season defined by growth. The students have reached both personal and team goals throughout the season and have expressed desire to surpass those goals next year. 

The band staff grateful for all the support the program has revieved and is proud to work with the hard-working band students every day. “It’s such a joy to be a part of their journey and watching them grow into great young men and women,” said Carter. 

“We are so appreciative of all who support our program. From administration, teachers, Band Boosters, and the student body, we truly could not be successful without their support.” 

The band will be performing this year’s show, titled Keys, for the final time during halftime at the Frenship football game. 
