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Frenship High School Choir Shine at UIL Concert & Sight-Reading Evaluations

Throughout the entire year, the Frenship High School Choir groups have been preparing for the Choir UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluations. Frenship had over 150 students competing. Across the area, there were 38 choirs that competed at the high school level, all of various sizes. 

The Choir UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation is split into two portions: A concert round and a sight-reading round. For the concert round, choirs prepare three pieces to perform for a panel of three judges. Two pieces must be from a prescribed music list with graded levels of difficulty, and the third piece can be a choice selection. One of the three pieces must be an a cappella piece.  

For the sight-reading portion, choirs are given a selection to sing that they have never seen or heard prior that they perform for a different panel of three judges. There is a 6-minute instruction period where choirs may view the piece. But no actual singing or humming can take place during instruction. Then the choir must sing the piece without any extra verbal instruction from the choir director.  

At the end of the first reading, there is a 2-minute instruction period where adjustments can be worked through. The rules are the same for the 2-minute instruction period as the first instruction period. No singing can take place. Then the second reading begins.  Choirs are scored after both readings.  

Frenship is proud to announce that Non-Varsity Women, Varsity Women, Varsity Men, and Varsity Mixed Chorale all received "Superior" ratings from every judge, the highest rating that is achieved. The Sub NonVarsity Women's Choir received a "Superior" rating from two judges and "Excellent" ratings from four judges. 

Amy Moss, FHS Choir Director, says she is extremely proud of the beautiful concerts that were performed on contest day by the students. While they always strive for outstanding technical accuracy, she hopes that students will be able to take that and go beyond to create a magical experience on stage for the audience and performers alike.  

 “Our students rose to the challenge," said Moss. “They didn't just compete. They were the epitome of joy and passion on the stage. They brought that same level of focus to their sightreading portion. They made a great effort to bring the music alive and not just sing notes and rhythms.”  

The choir students have multiple concerts and a couple of contest events coming up to close out the school year. You can enjoy a performance from the choirs at the Fine Arts Finale on Friday, April 26 at 6 p.m. in the FHS Performing Arts Center.
