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National Honor Society » NHS Chapter Bylaws

NHS Chapter Bylaws

National Honor Society By-Laws   

Revised February 2023 

Article I - Name and Purpose

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Frenship High School National Honor Society.

Section 2: The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the members.

The government shall be according to the constitution of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools.

Section 1: The principal shall reserve the right to approve all activities and decisions of the chapter.

Section 2: The principal shall annually approve a chapter adviser, who may serve consecutive terms.

Section 3: The principal shall be a part of the local school district appeal process for non- selection or dismissal cases.

The chapter advisor shall be responsible for the direct, day-to-day supervision of the chapter and act as liaison between faculty, administration, students, and community.

Section 1: The faculty council shall consist of five voting faculty members appointed annually by the principal.

Section 2: The term of the faculty council shall be one year. Members may be appointed to consecutive terms.

Section 3: The chapter adviser shall be a non-voting, sixth member of the faculty council.

Section 4: The faculty council shall meet at least once a year to select new members and to consider dismissal and non-selection.

Section 5: If a member is dismissed, written notice of the decision should be sent to the member, his or her parents/guardians, and the principal.

Section 6: A member who has been dismissed may appeal the decision of the faculty council under the same rules for disciplinary appeals in the school district.

Section 7: The National Council and the NASSP shall hear no appeals in dismissal cases.

Section 1: To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a member of the junior or senior class.

Section 2: Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one (1) semester. However, many students are required to move with their parents. In such cases, the present school principal should seek a recommendation from the previous school principal, and the faculty council may waive the semester regulation. Foreign exchange students can be given an honorary membership if the council feels such student is deserving. These students will be entitled to all membership privileges except voting on chapter affairs.

Section 3: Candidates must have a cumulative scholastic average of at least 90 GPA (no rounding). Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character.

Section 4: The selection of each member to the chapter shall be by a majority vote of the faculty council after candidates have successfully completed an application.

Section 5: The selection procedure shall be determined by the faculty council and shall be consistent with the rules and regulations of NHS.

Section 6: Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony.

Section 7: NHS members who transfer from another school and bring a letter from the former principal or chapter advisor shall be accepted automatically as a member in the new school’s chapter. Transfer members must meet the new chapter’s standards within one semester in order to retain membership.

Section 8: Members who resign or are dismissed are never again eligible for membership or benefits.

Section 9: Candidates must read, sign, and submit the Membership Contract to the chapter adviser by the specified date. Failure to comply will invalidate their eligibility for membership.

Section 1: Probation will constitute failure to meet one or all of the following:

  • Grade point average of 90.0 or above (no rounding)
  • Attendance requirements
  • Service Hours

Probation will be a period of one semester. If the chapter requirements have not been met at the end of the probation period, the student will be dismissed. Seniors who are placed on probation for the spring semester will have until the 5th six weeks to meet compliance. Failure to do so will result in dismissal.

Section 2: Two (2) unexcused absences from chapter meetings per semester will be grounds for probation.  An unexcused absence is any absence where the member did not notify the sponsors beforehand about being unable to attend a mandatory activity. 

Section 3: Members will be required to earn thirty (30) service hours; fifteen (15) the fall semester and fifteen (15) the spring semester.Hours can carry over from the fall to the spring semester but not year to year. Service hours will be documented using the x2VOL website and must be verified by an adult observer. Service hour opportunities will approved by the chapter adviser. 

Section 4: The student will be informed of their probation or dismissal status in writing by the chapter adviser. The student will have two (2) weeks from the date of notification to appeal their probation/dismissal before the faculty council.

Section 5: Failure to comply with the school code of conduct and/or NHS by-laws will be grounds for probation and/or dismissal.

Section 6: The following demerit system will be followed by all members. A total of three (3) demerits per year will be grounds for probation. Six (6) demerits per year will be grounds for dismissal.

  • Any type of involvement in a criminal act which results in arrest or probation will receive six (6) demerits and result in immediate dismissal.
  • DAEP placement will receive six (6) demerits. Dismissal will be determined by the faculty council and building principal.
  • ISS placement will recieve three (3) demerits.

Section 1: The elected officers shall be president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, project chairman, and historian.

Section 2: Students interested in running for an office must not be on probation and must sign up with the adviser by the appointed deadline.

Section 3: A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect any chapter officer. 

Section 4: New officers shall be installed at a special ceremony.

Section 5: The term of office shall be one year or until the next regular annual election for officers elected to fill vacancies.

Section 6: Officer meeting absences will fall in concordance with general meeting guidelines.

Section 1: The President shall:

  • Have overall responsibility for the operation of NHS.
  • Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Frenship High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date president’s file, which will include a copy of the chapter constitution and by-laws, the current budget, current correspondence and materials received from the national organization, and other pertinent materials.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


Section 2: The Vice President shall:

  • Perform the duties of the president in his/her absence, inability to serve, or at his/her call.
  • Have responsibility for all advertisement and promotion of any and all activities sponsored or supported by the chapter.
  • Announce reminders for the monthly meetings.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date vice-president’s file, which will contain a current calendar of events, advertising deadlines, and other information.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


Section 3: The Secretary shall:

  • Keep an up-to-date attendance of the members of the chapter.
  • Keep full minutes of all meetings of the chapter and a record of all actions taken by the executive board.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which includes the minutes of the meetings and current correspondence.
  • Be responsible for the official correspondence of the NHS unless provided for otherwise.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


Section 4: The Treasurer shall:

  • Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of the chapter.
  • Receive all payments due to the chapter and collect all dues.
  • Be responsible for maintaining a current balance sheet of funds.
  • Maintain and update a complete file of dues, payments, scholarships, fundraising, and balances.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


Section 5: The Project Chairman shall:

  • Be responsible for the investigation, organization, execution, and supervision of all programs and projects adopted by the chapter. These activities shall pertain to service to the community and/or school.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which will contain correspondence, prospective ideas, and other information pertinent to chapter projects.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


Section 6: The Historian shall:

  • Provide documentation of all the projects completed throughout the scholastic year.
  • Maintain a complete and up-to-date file, which contains information concerning previous and current service projects and any other information pertinent to the office.
  • Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office.


All officers of the Frenship High School Chapter of the National Honor Society are responsible for effective communication with the adviser of the organization and the administration of the school in regard to all functions and activities.

Section 1: The executive committee shall consist of the officers of the chapter and the chapter adviser(s).

Section 2: The executive committee shall meet at least once a month prior to the chapter meetings.

Section 3: The executive committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the chapter between its business meetings, make recommendations to the chapter, and perform other necessary duties.

Section 4: The executive committee shall have the responsibility for ensuring that chapter activities and procedures follow school policy and regulations.

Section 1: Unless otherwise ordered by the executive committee or chapter adviser, regular meetings shall be held on the third Thursday of each month from August through May inclusively.

Section 2: Special meetings approved by the executive committee may be called.

Section 3: If a member is absent from school the entire day of the event or meeting, only an excuse signed by his/her parent or teacher will override the NHS absence policy. This note must be turned in within one week of the absence.

Section 4: Two-thirds of voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5: Meetings will be conducted according to parliamentary procedure.

Section 1: Dues are $30.00 per year, payable to Frenship NHS.

Section 2: Money collected through dues is used to finance costs of paper, supplies, national dues, scholarships, software renewals, service projects, and other NHS activities.

Section 3: Fund raisers may be held to promote NHS goals and activities.

Section 4: If a student does not meet NHS financial obligations by a specified date, this can be grounds for dismissal.

Section 1: At least one (1) scholarship will be given to a deserving senior each year from the Chapter.

Section 2: Each year by the assigned deadline, scholarship applications may be submitted by senior students.

Section 3: The recipient(s) will be selected by the faculty council of the chapter.

Each member shall be entitled to wear the NHS emblem provided they are not on probation.