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My name is Yolanda Swanson, and I am a Special Education teacher and a Case Manager with the Academic Adjustment program here at Frenship High School. Prior to moving to Lubbock, I had the opportunity to teach at the elementary and junior high level for fifteen years in both Special Education and General Education.

After moving to Lubbock, I returned to the teaching profession after taking a few years off to be a full-time caregiver. I began as a Substitute Teacher with the Frenship Independent School District. Then, I worked one school year as a Paraprofessional at the high school and now I am in my second year as a teacher at the high school for a total of eighteen years in the education profession. I love being a teacher and I never want to stop growing and learning. I hope to instill a love of learning to my students as well.




1st Period - A.A. Geometry                                                                    5th Period – A.A. Geometry

2nd Period – Case Manager Duties                                                      6th Period – A.A. BIM

3rd Period – Conference                                                                       7th Period – A. A. Financial Math

4th Period – A.A. Math Models                                                              8th Period – A.A. BIM/A.A. Speech/Life Training

Please feel free to contact me through my email address, [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting during my conference time.

Frenship High School

Math Syllabus

(Academic Adjustment)

Ms. Swanson


Email: [email protected]

Conference Period: 3rd (10:42-11:47)


Courses & Course Objectives

I. Geometry:

  1. The student will apply mathematical process standards to analyze attributes of two-dimensional geometric figures to develop generalizations about their properties.
  2. The student will apply mathematical process standard to classify two- and three-dimensional figures by attributes and properties.

 II. Math Models:

  1. The student will apply mathematical process standards to solve problems by collecting, organizing displaying, and interpreting data.
  2. The student will apply mathematical process standards to use numerical or graphical representations to solve problems.

 III. Financial Math:

  1. A. The student will apply mathematical process standards to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.
  2. The student will apply mathematical process standards to develop and economic way of thinking and problem solving useful in one’s life as a knowledgeable consumer and investor.


  •      Arrive to class on time.
  •      Complete and turn in your assignments.
  •      All cell phones and laptops will be put away and used only if needed for assignments or permitted by the teacher.
  •      Respect your peers, staff members, and teachers.
  •      Be responsible for your actions and do your best.


All students will be given an opportunity to make up missed assignments due to absences.


  •      Students arriving 20 minutes late to class will be counted tardy.
  •      Students arriving 25 minutes late will be counted absent.


  •      Any student having a failing grade on an assignment or test will be given the opportunity to bring up their grade up to a 75.


I look forward to working with each of you and helping you gain further knowledge and skills in math. Let’s grow and learn together and have fun doing so!

“Knowledge is Power”

Ms. Swanson