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Frenship High School

Advanced Academics / College Readiness

Nicholas Copeland
District Coordinator of Advanced Academics/Gifted & Talented
Frenship Independent School District 


Shelley Richardson

Advanced Academics Administrative Assistant

Frenship High School


[email protected]


Dual credit courses are offered at Frenship High School through Angelo State University and allow students the opportunity to earn college credit while taking high school courses and college courses simultaneously.
These meetings is only for those who have never taken a dual credit course before and are interested in dual credit offerings for incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors. We strongly encourage you to attend if you plan to take dual credit for the first time. You need only attend one of the two meetings.  These meetings will be for students attending both Frenship and Memorial High School next year. 
Parents only need to attend one of the following meetings:
  • Monday, January 13th at 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday, January 21st at 7:00 PM
Both meetings will take place in the Frenship High School Performing Arts Center (PAC).
Connect with us! 
Are you currently taking an AP Course or will you be taking one next year?  Please join our  AP Remind Group so that important information and updates will be sent straight to your cell phone.  
Are you currently taking a Dual Credit Course, or will you be taking one next year?  Please join our Dual Credit Remind Group so that important information and updates will be sent directly to your cell phone.