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Frenship High School

Shelley Richardson » About Mrs. Richardson

About Mrs. Richardson

My name is Shelley Richardson and I am starting my ninth year as a proud Frenship employee and my sixth as a support staff member.
I have always loved being a part of the Frenship family, first as a parent to two Frenship Alumni. KyLeigh graduated in 2014 and received her Master's in Public Administration from Texas Tech University in 2021. Trace graduated in 2017 and received his BA from Texas Tech University in 2021.
I have been married for 32 years to Michael, and he is my best friend, partner in crime, and my biggest supporter. 
I am the substitute coordinator and an administrative assistant for Frenship High School. My office is located in the main office and my door is always open to parents and students.  
Background image  Shelley  Richardson`s profile picture
Shelley Richardson
Advanced Academics Administrative Assistant
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