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Financial Aid/FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2024-25 school year is expected to open by December 1, 2024. Here are some things to do now to make sure you're ready to complete the FAFSA as soon as it opens and avoid delays.
  • Create a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID at
  • One parent or guardian of dependent students (Contributors) will need to create or reconfirm their own FSA ID to complete the process.
*Creating your FAFSA account early can save time in the future, since it can take up to three days before you can use your FSA ID.
On or After December 1st, 2024
  • Begin filling out the FAFSA with your FSA ID, email, or phone number and password. You will answer questions, sign electronically, and enter your contributors' contact information in the parent section. 
  • Contributors (parent(s), stepparent, or guardian) will access the FAFSA with their own FSA IDs. They will answer questions on the FAFSA, provide consent to release tax information and sign electronically. 
**It's recommended to fill out the FAFSA shortly after it opens. Colleges will not receive the information until late January due to federal delays. Texas' Priority deadline to submit the FAFSA for full consideration of all state and other financial aid programs is February 15, 2025

Beginning with the Class of 2022, every high school senior in a Texas public school district must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) as a state requirement for graduation. Texas Education Code §28.0256 allows a student to opt out of the financial aid application graduation requirement by submitting a signed form that authorizes the student to decline.


Students can:


Comenzando con 2022, cada estudiante clasificado en el 12 en la secundaria en un distrito escolar público de Texas debe completar y presentar una Solicitud Gratuita de Ayuda Federal para Estudiantes (FAFSA) o una Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera Estatal de Texas (TASFA) como requisito estatal para la graduación. El Código de Educación de Texas §28.0256 permite que el alumno se excluya del requisito de graduación de ayuda financiera presentando un formulario firmado autorizando el rechazo de dicha ayuda. Comenzando el 1 de octubre, los estudiantes pueden:


On-Course FAFSA webpage
Here's what you can access:
  • A curated summary of all the important info, in simple language
  • Key milestones and actions for everyone
  • A guided tour through existing resources
  • New handouts and other resources

College for all Texans: