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Frenship High School

Advanced Academics / College Readiness » College Application Process

College Application Process

1. Complete college applicationsApply Texas is the application for most public 2 and 4 year institutions in the state of Texas. Some institutions have an application on their website or use the Common Application. Check the institutions' websites you are wanting to apply to ensure using the correct application. Applications open July 1st.
2. Complete scholarship applications for each college you apply to; some of these are part of the Apply Texas application. CHECK DEADLINES.
3. Send ACT/SAT scores directly from the agency to colleges you have applied to.  Many students do this when they register to take the exam.
4. Send your FHS Transcript to colleges you have applied. 
5. Send Angelo State University and/or South Plains College transcripts (dual credit) to colleges you have applied if applicable. 
6. Request a FSA ID to create and sign your FAFSA, Free Application For Federal Student Aid. Both the student and one parent will need an FSA ID.
7. Complete the FAFSA application for financial aid.  This application opens October 1st. 
8. Try to have all of the above steps completed by the first of November. Be sure to check ALL deadlines! Each institution has their own deadlines.